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  To: (Fertilizers) (Bloating) (Yogurt) (Diabetes)
These questions were emailed during my "Plant Eater! Where Do You Get Your Protein" presentation.

How do the fertilizers used in plant growing impact the body?  (Top) (Bot)

As far as I know, fertilizers are not a nutritional problem although animal manure spread on fields that grow crops for human consumption can sometimes] cause some problems. Fertilizers are an environmental problem because the runoff from fields gets into the streams and rivers and can cause algae blooms that smother natural water habitats.

Pesticides are a nutritional problem. Pesticide residues are often found on plant foods. In particular, the pesticide glyphosate found in the weed killer Roundup has been linked to cancer and there is some evidence that non-celiacs that are sensitive to gluten are actually sensitive to the glyphosate that is sprayed on genetically modified soybeans, corn, and wheat that is consumed by humans.

John Hopkins reported people who eat high fiber diets are more likely to experience bloating if their high fiber diet is protein-rich as compared to carbohydrate-rich, according to a study led by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
What can be done to prevent the bloating?  (Top) (Bot)

The following is a link to the John Hopkins report:

As I showed in my presentation there is no need to consume a high protein diet. However, if you have been eating a low fiber diet and start to add more plants which adds more fiber, it will take some time before the bacteria in your gut that love fiber crowd out the bacteria that do not love fiber. That is why you have to slowly introduce the high fiber plants like beans into your digestive system.

The following article by Disiree Nelson, Registered Dietician, suggests some things you can do to minimize the bloating:

What is your opinion about the use of yogurt?  (Top) (Bot)

I personally do not eat any dairy although plain no fat dairy yogurt without any added refined sugar or artificial sweetener may be the somewhat healthy. The problem is that we know the dairy protein casein can turn certain cancers on or off depending on the amount of dairy consumed. In addition modern dairy farms keep their cows constantly pregnant and the cows naturally generate estrogen during their pregnancy. Some of this estrogen ends up in the dairy that is consumed and that increases the risk for breast cancer and prostate cancer. It is also believed that one reason girls begin their menstrual cycle two or three years early and boys and men get “man boobs” is because of the added estrogen from all of the dairy they is consumed, especially cheese which usually has higher concentrations. The following videos do a much better job of explaining the dangers from dairy:

There are non-dairy yogurts made from soy milk, almond milk, and other plants that can be healthy especially if there is no added sugar and other additives. Most reviews of plant milks will be sure to point out that they have less protein and if not fortified, less calcium than cow milk yogurts. As I explained in my presentation, low protein in one food is not a problem if you eat a variety of plant foods. And all natural calcium including cow milk calcium comes from plants that extract it from the soil so lower calcium is also not be a problem because many plant foods contain calcium.

Can a plant based diet reverse diabetes or just help control the progression?  (Top) (Bot)
Caution: If you are diabetic and decide to switch to a healthy low fat whole food plant based diet consult your doctor because you can develop very low blood sugar as your insulin resistance improves if you do not reduce your diabetes medication.

Type 1 Diabetes is caused by damage to the beta cells in the pancreas which prevents them from making insulin. Type 2 Diabetes is caused by insulin resistance which occurs when there is too much fat in the cells, especially muscle cells, that prevents insulin from unlocking the door to let blood glucose enter the cell. This is one reason why many overweight individuals develop this disease. But a normal weight individual who eats a high fat diet can also develop insulin resistance. There is also some evidence to suggest that added refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup may contribute to the problem.

Dr. John McDougall also describes Type 1.5 Diabetes which is a combination of damaged beta cells and insulin resistance.

A low fat whole food plant based diet decreases insulin resistance and thus the need for insulin regardless of the type of diabetes. Many Type 2 diabetics completely reverse their need for insulin by adopting that type of diet.

The following video by Dr. Barnard goes into more detail:

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